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We are Monica and Richie, a husband and wife duo preserving floral arrangements from weddings, memorials, and other special events. Richie and I are STL natives and parents to two crazy puppies, Ruby and Hazel who are our professional greeters when clients come by to drop off their flowers. A little bit about us is that we love to travel with our absolute favorite place on Earth being Hawaii. 


STL Resin Works was started in June of 2022 after months of practicing with resin. Our closest friends were even so kind to let us experiment with their wedding flowers. The underlying reason why we started STL Resin Works was and is the dream of building our future home next to our family. We value the closeness of family and we hope that in the near future, our children will grow up right next to their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. 


While the dream of building our home is still one of the reasons behind STL Resin Works, our perspective changed in January of 2024 when we unexpectedly lost our baby boy shortly after birth. For weeks following his passing, we received so many beautiful flowers from our family and friends. Now these flowers are preserved in multiple pieces (see below for pictures). Our baby’s passing sparked a new energy for this business. We started to heavily market with multiple funeral homes around the St. Louis area and to share our story. It became our mission to spread love, peace, and hope to others who are grieving.


Thank you for your interest in our business and our story. We could not continue to offer these services without you! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We look forward to hearing from you and having the opportunity to create lasting preservation pieces to hold on to your most precious and valuable memories!

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